What I WIll Miss
Inspired by Nora Ephron’s Lists, “What I Will Miss” & “What I Won’t Miss”
Sophie’s smell
Olivia’s humor
Prosciutto & Melon
The deep blue of the sea
Long, slow, deep kissing
Eating dinner outside on summer nights
Ice cream
Stepping into freshly fallen snow
Jumping in the lake after soccer on the upper hill
Performing dance in high school
The pocket of cool air after passing the front row of bunks
My bed
Coffee in the morning
Watching Alvin Ailey Dance Company
Walking the streets of Rome
Beds of Black-Eyed Susans
Long conversations with Dana
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
A great return from my backhand
Giggling with Amy
The sound of Katydids in Rye
Long showers
Sal’s pizza
The smell of sandalwood
The hot sun on my skin
From an Untamed Writing class taught by Dana Childers